Monday, July 13, 2009

2000 евро и кое- что еще.

Если бы все планы выполнялись это где же и как бы мы сейчас жили :0).
Каюсь,не смог уделить проекту достаточно времени.Быт заел.Поэтому результаты далеки от запланированных.В среднем в день получалось отработать 2-2,5 президентика.Да к тому же активно работать можно только с понедельника по пятницу.В выходные дни новых заданий появляется крайне мало.Продолжая собирать базу черного списка.Это те площадки ,размещать ссылки на которых не очень удобно или совсем глухой номер из-за отсутствия дружелюбия со стороны модераторов.Порой модерация ссылки длится1-2 недели.Что,естественно,для нас не есть хорошо.Довольно удобная функция-черный список ,позволяющая раз и навсегда избавится от нежелательных площадок при поиске заданий.Эта неделя вряд ли также станет рекордной по улову,так как по-прежнему придется решать множество бытовых проблем.Но будем надеятся на лучшее :0).
Кстати,попался на глаза буржуинский проектик.В двух словах,ребята решили бесплатно раздать акции,раскрутить проект и продать его.Естественно,в этом случае акции можно будет превратить в реальные денежки.Единственное условие для получения дивидендов-это привлечт в проект хотя бы 3 человек.Там еще много чего предлагается и обещается.А почему бы не попробовать,ведь платить пока ничего не нужно :0).
Вот эта ссылочка,кто заинтересуется.прошу регистрироваться и ждать удачного 20завершения .
Вот небольшой FAQ проекта.Думаю,переводчиками обзавелись уже все и проблем с пониманием основных положений не будет.

I am still not sure.Tell me again exactly how I make money with Sqip?

The biggest potential money maker for you is your cash equity growth in Sqip. This can grow into several thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and even several millions by the time SqipCom is sold off. The bigger your Equity Group when SqipCom is sold the more cash equity you will be paid.
You also earn residual cash commission from purchases of Sqip services made by any one in your Equity Group. Sqip has developed multiple services that members can upgrade & subscribe too. Although there is never any obligation to do so.
You also earn dividends on every PEP you own. Up to 50% from every sale is allocated to paying cash dividends which are paid out on a per PEP basisi. So the more PEPs you have the more cash dividends you get. Dividends give you a residual passive income from the total combined action of the entire Sqip global community.
Am I required to refer new members or can I just claim the free PEPs and wait to get paid my 2000 euros or more?

You will need to have introduced a minimum of 3 members on your 1st level with each of you having an activated Sqip ewallet to qualify to receive your cash equity payments.
You will still receive any commission or dividends due from your entire even if you have less than 3 personally referred members on your 1st level.
It makes perfect sense to have such a policy and should not be an issue to any member who is genuine in their efforts to create equity growth.
When you populate your 1st level and start to create depth in your equity group you are on the way to generating a potentially huge lump sum cash equity the income you can make along the way from commissions and potential dividends.
At the time SqipCom is sold, only those with 3 members on their 1st level and/or who have purchased PEPs will qualify to get paid their cash equity.
Referring 3 members is very very easy especially as they do not have to buy anything. In fact all you are doing is giving away free PEPs in one of the fastest growing social networking sites on the net.
And those 3 members you refer can potentially turn into over 88,000 members in your Equity Group with each member being worth up to 20 euros or even more to you in cash equity when SqipCom buys back your PEPs.
There are over 1 billion internet users expected to rise to over 2 billion by 2012.
Do you think Sqip can get 1% of this about 3% or 5%?
Well we are already on the way to doing just that. You can join in and grab your piece of the action or you can let some one else get it. Some body has to have that why not you? It is waiting for you right now and the sooner you begin to GIVE AWAY free PEPs in Sqip the sooner you will see your cash equity grow...and grow and grow into potentially several million euros.
There are members who have already generated several million euros in cash equity just because they took action and started introducing a few new members each.
This is the power of Sqip in action.

So I don't actually have to refer anyone if I have purchased PEPs...right?

Right, that is correct. Although as you will discover, referring new members is so easy. So why not start a potentially huge snowball movement and watch your equity grow in value every week as more and more members jump on board to claim their free equity via your Equity Group.
There is never any obligation to buy PEPs. Buying additional PEPs at discounted rates is simply a way to boost your cash equity in Sqip.

How long is all of this going to take. When can I expect to earn commission, dividends AND get my lump sum 'buy back' cash equity payment?

Well that is up to you and all the other members. If everyone is populating their 1st level with at least 3 new members then we can build a massive membership very quickly. You can earn commission on the purchase of PEPs immediately with the other income streams being introduced over a period of time as the membership grows.
The lump sum 'buy back' will take a little longer but you can expect it within 24 months. During this time you can build a huge Equity Group and look forward to your final lump sum cash equity payment.
How can you be sure that each member will have a valuation of 20 Euros or more when you negotiate a deal to sell off SqipCom?
Based on current market trends this is a safe number to work with. But keep in mind that it can be much more than this depending on how big our total membership is and how many income streams we have active and working at the time SqipCom is sold.
This is where you need to suspend your disbelief and try to grasp just how quickly Sqip is growing.
Imaginge if every one got active and introduced not 3 but 5 or 7 or 10 new members each.
This is well within the realm of possibility and that is all it would take to guarantee a swift and very profitable exit.

What will happen to my Equity Group income streams when Sqip is sold?

That will be up to the new owners to decide. They might have their own totally different business model. So we will just have to see what happens with that issue.
Why are other companies not doing what SqipCom is doing?

Don't worry, they will. When business people see just how successful the Sqip business model has been they will copy and duplicate it.
How can I know that SqipCom is being successful and really reaching its' goal?
You can track Sqip using is an independent web site service that tracks the global rankings of tens of millions of web sites. There is a display in your back office that shows the latest global ranking stats for Sqip.
How do I build a big Equity Group?
Your Equity Group will begin to build itself after you introduce 3 members and those 3 introduce 3 each and so on down 10 levels deep. This can lead to a group of over 88,000 members that you are being credited 1 PEP each for. But not everyone will introduce 3 members each so you need to populate your 1st level with more than 3 referrals to increase the leverage. You should be looking to populate your 1st level with at least 20 new members and the resources site will show you exactly how to do this quickly.
So how long does all of this take; how quick is quickly?
Most members can introduce 3 members within days simply by talking with their friends and family. And as there is nothing to buy or sell it is usually very easy to get your first few referrals. Building a huge Equity Group will take several weeks to several months depending how much time and effort you put into it.
If you can allocate 30 to 60 minutes a day to following the guides in the resource site in a planned, methodical way then you will be delighted with the results after only 3 months.
It all seems to good to be true. You are offering me free equity and the chance to secure even much more in cash equity just for referring new members to a social networking site? ....are you for real?

Sometimes the most logical and obvious things seem crazy just because they are new or go against the normal way that things have always been done.
Web based membership businesses never reward the members who actually build the real value of the business.
Do you see the members of Myspace, Facebook and all the others sharing in the success of these companies valued in the billions?
Nope...and you won't because these companies use the membership to create huge equity valuations that are turned into massive cash windfalls for the owners and a handful of investors.

That is their business model and it has always been done like that.... until now. This where Sqip is different...very different.
The thing is our members who are building this business so they deserve to be share in its' success.
Look at it this way. You have nothing to lose. You do not need to buy or sell anyhting. You only need to introduce 3 new members to qualify and that can turn into over 1 million Euros in cash equity as people in your 10 level deep Equity Group do the same & duplicate your actions.
This is a 1st past the post opportunity....and there is currently nothing else like it out there.
Let's do it!!!

Обратил внимание на эту программу еще и потому,что представлен он был весьма авторитетной инвестиционной группой.Которая ,кстати,ведет один из широко известных пенсионных проектов(подробнее о них можно почитать здесь) и имеет все шансы подойти к реальным выплатам кругленьких сумм уже в конце этого лета.Ну, а пока, ваша задача зарегистрироваться,естественно, бесплатно и чуть напрячься для привлечения 3 своих родственников или знакомых.
Вот и все на сегодня.

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